Wel­come to the

Notre-Dame Etiopathy office

Alexandre Parmentier - Étiopathie Notre-Dame

Alexandre Parmentier

Wel­comes you on Tues­day and Friday.
I receive also at Noi­sy-sur-École (Mil­ly-la-Forêt) on Mon­day, Wed­nes­day, Thurs­day and Saturday.

Confinement informations

The Paris Notre-Dame and Noi­sy-sur-École etio­pa­thy offices remain open during the confi­ne­ment. We pro­vide hydroal­co­ho­lic gel, don’t for­get (obvious­ly) your mask.


Excep­tio­nal tra­vel certificate

Appoint­ment cer­ti­fi­cate at the
Paris Notre-Dame office

Appoint­ment cer­ti­fi­cate at the
Noi­sy-sur-École office

What’s Etiopathy ?

From the Greek aïtia, « cause » and pathos « pain », the word Etio­pa­thy means to under­line this method’s ori­gi­na­li­ty which, for a patho­lo­gy, tries in the first place to reveal the cause, rather than sup­pres­sing the effects – pains, inflam­ma­tions, blo­cages, etc. – for only the cau­se’s sup­pres­sion will stop the effect to reproduce…

What does Etiopathy treats ?

Etio­pa­thy concerns each one of us ! From todd­lers to seniors, from pre­gnant women to sports people, Etio­pa­thy cures effi­cient­ly and without drugs most of ail­ments and patho­lo­gies affec­ting our dai­ly lives. Its treat­ment allows the body to find back its nor­mal acti­vi­ty, with one or more pre­cise manual inter­ven­tions, aiming to sup­press the dysfunction.

Prior to coming to the office, please bring your medi­cal ima­ging and bio­lo­gi­cal exams rela­ting to the stu­died pathology.

Private health insurances that reimburse Etiopathy :

Paris Notre-Dame etiopathy office

Venir au Cabinet d'étiopathie Notre-Dame Hôtel de Ville —  Cité —  Pont-Marie —  Maubert-Mutualité 
Venir au cabinet d'étiopathie Notre-Dame en bus24 — 38 — 47 — 67 — 70 — 72 — 74 — 75 — 96… 
Venir au cabinet d'étiopathie Notre-Dame en RERRER B, C : Saint-Michel-Notre-Dame — RER A : Châtelet 

None­the­less, all roads lead to Roma…